Thia little baby boy was wide awake and alert almost the whole time. I got so many pictures of his BeaUtiFuL face...sigh. And how can I not mention his GorGeOuS big sister Jaida. Leslee, sorry if I am spelling that wrong. What a personality! And that face...aMaZinG!!!
During this shoot I almost felt like I was photographing a celebrity. We had more people stopping and staring while these two posed and played around together. Its almost like people had never seen a bride and groom before. It was really funny. Linds definitely had and entourage watching her...besides her darling finance. Linds, you are StUnNinG!!!! Really! You guys are so amazing together and have the best chemistry. Its so fun to watch and photograph. You guys are the BeSt!!
I cant believe that this little sweetie is already 1!! Where on earth does the time go? Payton is the most HaPpY...SweEt...PrEciOuS...AdORabLe baby! I LOVE her! I also love that we got so many pictures with her hands in her mouth. Its captures her darling little personality which is why I love it so much.